



Become a M.O.B (Messiah Over Body) Affiliate and sell our digital goods so you can make commission.

Make $2.50 for every digital album order that you generate.

How cool is that.

Earning money with us is as easy as 123:

  1. Sign Up: Get Your Exclusive Affiliate Link (CLICK HERE)
  2. Spark Flame: Share your affiliate link via your social media
  3. Stack The Money: Watch your commissions get sent instantly to your PayPal account

NOTE: PayPal is the only way for you to get paid. But, don’t worry it’s free to signup for a PayPal account.

It’s just that simple.

Hypothetically, If you get 100 sales within a hour, day, week, or month (for example) well… you just made $250.00 within a hour, day, week, or month without waking up and going to a Nine to Five.

There’s nothing for you to stock, mail, ship, or provide customer service calls for.

Simply, use word of mouth, paid ads, and/or social share (in a non-spammy way) to make an extra stream of income for you, your family, or your goals.

Affiliates who produce over 250 sales have the potential to have a “pay bump” up to $3.00 for every digital download starting at 251 sales or from ANY point after 250 sales of which a requested “pay bump” is approved. (We’re not guaranteeing a “pay bump” but, after request and verification…we’ll do our best to consider a “pay bump” in efforts to honor our affiliates who take pride in helping inspire, influence, and impact culture while meeting and exceeding 251 sales).

Use this as an opportunity to legally, morally, and ethically earn extra income for bills, vacations, tuition, or just that good ‘ole savings account.


After you Signup there’s a 24 to 48 hour approval filter.

If you’re approved you’ll be sent your exclusive affiliate link that you can use to start promoting.

We professionally suggest that you use a “LINK SERVICE” like to convert your affiliate link to a link that you can brand and track statistics as well as other analytics. is free to signup and use.  This way you have the opportunity to see how effective your marketing efforts are and how you can strategize to improve them for the increase of your income.  PRETTY PLEASE DO NOT SPAM. No one likes spam, not even poor people!

Thank you for considering joining our team.

We anticipate and pray that you have a heart to share that Gospel, Promote Worship of the true-living GOD, and share Worship Music.


Christian Workout Music

Ecclesiastes 5:19  Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.

Deuteronomy 8:18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.